Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Just eggs

 I'm determined to catch up on my forgotten blogs.  Here's an event that happened in London last spring.

The Big Egg Hunt, from February 21 to Easter weekend, was sponsored by FabregĂ©.  It  was a plan to have a record breaking egg hunt across Central London to raise money for two causes, the Elephant Family and Action for Children.  Elephant Family helps to preserve the elephant population which is facing extinction. 90% of Asian elephants have disappeared over the past 100 years.  Massive loss of habitat is their greatest threat.  Action for Children is a charity supporting 50,000 of the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children as long as it takes to transform their lives.  At the end of the egg hunt, all the eggs were auctioned off for the charities. 

Over 200 uniquely crafted eggs, created by leading artists, designers, architects and jewelers were hidden across London and over 12,000 people participated (it broke the Guinness World Record)  At the end the eggs were displayed around Covent Garden.  We saw some around the city but it was a lot easier to just go to Covent Garden to see them all!  The Grand Prize was a £100,000 Diamond Jubilee Egg and over £1,000,000 was raised for the charities.  

This is only a sampling of the 200 eggs, all of which were unique and spectacular!

The eggs were two and a half feet tall.

This egg sold for £9,000.  

This was one egg (with picture below)

The display at Covent Garden included eggs hung from the rafters

If you found an egg (this one was in Green Park), you could text a number to be entered into the grand drawing of the Diamond Jubilee Egg
This one was in St. James Park in front of Buckingham Palace
Instructions on texting a message to enter the contest

The Diamond Jubilee Egg.  

 It was crafted with Rose Gold and 60 gemstones (diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires)
 one for each year of Queen Elizabeth's  reign.

                                                             That's it.  Just eggs!